
Archive for November, 2013


I must apologise.
It’s been so long since I posted, and you have been so supportive over the last year. I owe you an update.

Sue has been having some very severe side-effects. Side-effects are to be expected, of course but these have worried her oncologist in their severity.
She was hospitalised overnight recently because she had diarrhoea that wouldn’t stop. Diarrhoea causes dehydration. They did control it eventually and gave her a week ‘off’ chemo, to give her a rest and help her recover.
The change in her was amazing. She was just so much better. Chemotherapy – as it turns out – is poison :-/
Her next chemo is tomorrow, and another next week. That will be the end of this cycle of chemo. She will then have a CT scan to see if there has been any lessening of her cancer.
Depending on the result of that, the oncologist will make a plan for the future.
She has plans of her own.
She has completed her study and depending on the result of her last assignment, will graduate in March and is DETERMINED to walk across the stage unaided.
Before that, there is Christmas of course; we have a annual extended family picnic, and our dad’s 80th birthday at the beginning of February.
Her son, Ben, will turn 21 at the end of November next year. She wants to be there.
If attitude makes any difference at all to outcome, she will outlive us all.

We’ve had an up and down year here. Rick had an ‘issue’ at work that could have ended in disaster. It didn’t. But the stress levels amped up enormously. It is resolved, but I am still on sleeping pills. I hate them, but I simply cannot sleep at the moment.
Our Percy had more issues with his waterworks and had to have an operation. He now pees like a girl (don’t tell him!), but he will not have a blockage problem again… and really, we do not NEED an overseas holiday – lol
Poppy is firing on all cylinders, no sign yet of a return of her allergies. I am still making a raw food mixture for them, and they are all enjoying it – though Pops is making it her mission to rid the world of mice and is bringing home at least one a day. She tortures them outside and usually eats them all up… good roughage which she has not yet barfed up on the carpet… Phew!
Yoshi is doing well, but will be much, much happier once the fireworks season is over. He has been very distressed this year, and because the fireworks go on for days… and all hours (the latest were let off just before 5 this morning) it is impossible to medicate him. University exams finish soon, then the kids will go home and leave the city in peace for a few months. Can’t wait!
Other People’s Children make me LONG for a cabin in the wilderness – surrounded by a moat… and a drawbridge… and gunships (or sharks) …
I am getting very grumpy in my old age. And it is my birthday today 🙂 – more birthdays, more grumpiness lol.
On a house-keeping note (if you are still reading), I am having trouble commenting on some of your blogs. Some of you have an anti-spam code thing that I need to complete before you can get my comment. I have figured out that autocorrect changes the codes… humph! Please be assured I am still checking up on you.
You help me get through the day.
Love you lots
Janet XO

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